“Keep Your Eyes on Jesus, Your Mind Renewed, Your Heart Guarded and Both Hands on the Plow”
New year’s resolutions become meaningless if they aren’t acted upon. Some don’t even make it through the first day let alone the first week let alone the first month let alone the entire year. So let’s decisively ditch the resolutions & ask God for the grace to embrace the resolve to live the life He calls us to know & show in scripture.
While acknowledging & anticipating the opportunities this coming new year holds, we need to remember the key to our success as followers of Christ isn’t in our intentions but our actions. If we want to see things change for the better as God would have them to be, we need to monitor & if need be make changes what we do daily. It really is & will always only be one day at a time.
Today we begin a five part series that I hope & pray will help you & me be more energized & effective in what matters most & lasts forever.
When it comes to decisions …
1. choosing life is the biggest & best decision a person can ever make.
Every decision we make as followers of Christ follows the decision to first follow Him.
Deuteronomy 30:11-20 (especially v20 John 5:39 1 John 5:11-12
2. the four we’ll be looking at aren’t the only really important ones.
Of course there are many others, but these ones especially will bring life-giving results.
Deuteronomy 30:16 Matthew 5:17 James 1:19-25 / Matthew 7:24-27
Making It Real
1] Are you truly a follower of Christ? When did your journey begin? How is it going?
2] Will you ask for God’s grace to believe & do whatever the Bible says to do?
Action Step
Write down at least five decisions God calls you to make as you think back over the
Scriptures you know. Hint: you should already have three just from today :-) …
Cornerstone Community Church 5344 Fishcreek Rd Stow OH 44224 <>< ><> Pastor Dan Page January 2, 2022 www.ccc-stow.faithlifesites.com